How to send cV from KuCoin to MetaMask

First: HowTo setup MetaMask with MyEtherWallet.

If you wonder how to send your on KuCoin purchased carVerticals (cV) to your MetaMask wallet, just follow these steps:

Add a new Token to your MetaMask wallet

  1. Add the Token to your wallet (just to display the amount, this is no ‘technical’ prerequisite!): Click in the Chrome Extension to ‘TOKEN>Add Token‘.
  2. Search for the required properties ‘Token Contract Address’, ‘Token Symbol’ and ‘Decimals of Precision’ at Etherscan Token Contract Search
  3. You’ll get the following:
    1. Contract Address: 0xda6cb58a0d0c01610a29c5a65c303e13e885887c
    2. Token Decimals: 18
    3. Token Symbol: cV (You’ll see that beside the amount ‘Total Supply’)
  4. Paste these information to your Wallet, the new Token now is set

Copy your Ether-Address to send your amount to it

  1. Click on the three dots beside your Account name:

    How to send carVertical (CV) to MetaMask

  2. Click on ‘Copy Address to Clipboard’
  3. Go to ‘Withdraw’ in KuCoin and send your cV to the copied address

Thanks to Grimvalo and mark_succerberg from reddit for this help!

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